Project Description
Fiore di Maggio
Creativity and passion are my winning weapons. What do i do? To make even more
important and special your wedding through unique tailor-made details made reality
according to your needs, your characteristics and above all complying with your
dreams. I make your dreams come true shaping them in a customised project,
taking the first steps together, the “Wedding Stationery” comes to life (from the
participation to favors) with your logo, your theme,your initials, your colors,
everything shall reflect you!
The simple, scenographic tableau made for plexiglas, polystyrene or wood, or of
thousands of differents materials will amaze your guest.
Confettata, sweet table, same graphics, same thread in all production, flowers and
confetti candies of thousands of flavours; all strictly following the theme or color
of your wedding. Setting up the location, materials, decorations, centerpieces, place
cards, thematic dedicated corners, photobooth…
Weddin day coordinator, if you want, you can decide, i will be at your side for all
the day or coordinating the external service providers, prepare, take care of you
and make sure everything during your day will be perfect. Write me to to receive for free my “Wedding Check list” that
helped many other couples before you!
– If you have to dream, dream big! –
Fiore di Maggio – Wedding Planner & Graphic Designer – 340.8091204
Instagram – fioredimaggio_weddingplanner